Disc Against Crime
Disc is the online information-sharing system that’s helping all kinds of communities reduce low-level crime and anti-social behaviour.
What is Disc?
Disc is a powerful, yet easy, way to share current-awareness information, view galleries of offenders, submit reports of incidents and react quickly to immediate safety or security threats.
It enables communities to manage exclusion or banning schemes efficiently, effectively and legally. Schemes like these are proven to reduce low-level crime and ASB across the communities they serve.
While each Disc system is autonomous, each can link with any other, creating powerful local, regional or national information-sharing networks.

Who is Disc for?
Disc can be configured to suit any group of individuals or organisations looking to reduce low-level crime and anti-social behaviour.
Across more than 550 UK towns and city-centres, local shopwatches, pubwatches and Business Improvement Districts use Disc. So too do security businesses as well as some of the country’s biggest shopping malls, sports venues and places of entertainment.
The success of Disc has led to police forces adopting the Disc Partnership Engagement Platform, not only to support the many Disc systems in their policing areas, but to better deliver some of their own crime reduction initiatives.
How do customers use Disc?
North Notts: driving down crime, encouraging engagement

How Guildford has driven down business crime – and can prove it

How Disc supports a sensitive approach in Liverpool

What our customers are saying
Want to know more?
We’d be delighted to show you Disc at work and determine how it can reduce crime and antisocial behaviour in your own community.