Disc Communities

Disc Communities

There’s a Disc variant for virtually every type of community that wants to self-manage and reduce low-level crime and anti-social behaviour

Local crime reduction schemes

Disc is currently used by shopwatches, pubwatches and larger Business Crime Reduction Partnerships covering over 550 towns and city-centres across the UK. Schemes like these effectively identify early-stage offenders and reduce re-offending. They also help local policing identify prolific offenders and provide evidence for their effective prosecution.

Local crime

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)

Over 100 Business Improvement Districts use Disc to reduce the impact of low-level crime and anti-social behaviour on their levy-payers’ businesses. In addition to delivering the benefits of a local crime reduction scheme to their levy-payers, Disc is ideal for sharing information about the range of BID activities with levy-payers, whilst Disc’s ‘Public Realm’ reporting system enables levy-payers and street wardens to report issues relating to the ‘public realm’, and to monitor outcomes.

Business Improvement District

Crowded Places

Disc systems are in use in some of the most crowded places in the UK, including dozens of the largest shopping centres as well as sporting and entertainment venues.

For these, Disc not only manages local offenders and any associated exclusions and keeps users up to date, but also enables security and safety teams to share must-read documentation about emergency procedures, safety advice and much more with tenants and other individuals working on-site.


Disc’s Police Engagement Platform (PEP) enables police to send current awareness content straight into every Disc system in their force area and, through them, to their thousands of members.

With PEP they can share offender data 100% securely with every Disc system in their area, and manage information Sharing Agreements and periodical re-certification effortlessly. They can also view and manage all offender data in every Disc system in a single ‘consolidated dataview’ to help identify travelling or prolific offenders. Where local Disc communities have switched on Disc’s ‘Direct to Police Crime Reporting system’, police can review these from a single consolidated dataview and apply a range of useful analytical tools.

Security providers

Commercial security providers – national and local – use Disc to provide efficient information-sharing for their customers, including intelligence about offenders, counterfeit currency, novel modus operandi etc. Some manage exclusion schemes on their behalf too. Disc also enables security providers to bring together offender details from different customers to help identify travelling and prolific offenders. Security companies can also benefit from Disc’s online Keyholder Directory.

How do customers use Disc?

How Guildford’s BID has driven down low-level business crime – and can prove it

How Bromley BID helps protect its levy-payers from low-level business crime

How Disc supports a sensitive approach in Liverpool

Want to know more?

If you’re considering using Disc but don’t see a Disc community that matches yours here, then please get in touch. We’re confident that Disc can help you reduce low-level crime and antisocial behaviour in your community – whatever it is.