Intelligence@Work: keeping up to date about business crime reduction

Intelligence@Work:  keeping up to date about business crime reduction

Intelligence@Work is our new online information resource for Disc customers and administrators who together deliver business crime reduction schemes across more than 500 towns and city-centres in the UK – and for anyone else who manages or supports business crime reduction schemes.

Intelligence@Work provides a wealth of news, guidance, documentation, and latest Best Practice of relevance to administrators and other professionals involved in business crime reduction schemes.

Intelligence@Work utilises Disc itself (of course!) to share information with its members, each of whom can access it direct from their existing Disc App or Desktop.

Intelligence@Work provides:

  • Relevant news and comment about low-level business crime and ASB in general;
  • Information about other business crime reduction schemes, and their work (and not just Disc customers);
  • Useful, practical information from third-parties, such as the ICO, the Home Office, and other organisations;
  • Everything about Disc, including all our Guides, Manuals, Factsheets, Model Documents etc, all downloadable if and when members need them.
  • The Intelligence@Work eNewsletter, emailed to all readers every month, to keep them up-to-date with everything that’s been added in the previous 28 days.
  • If you’d like to access Intelligence@Work – whether you’re a Disc customer or not – or if you’ve got something you think should be included in it, contact us now.